
I know. Most people start their law blogs in law school. Why would anyone want to read a law blog from someone so inexperienced like me? Well, I believe that since my passion for studying the law started before law school, it is adequate to start my blog now and track my progress through college, law school, and maybe through my eventual practice (hopefully).

This blog will cover topics I find interesting, things I learn from reading the newspaper or learn in my classes. My articles can range from What I Bought at the Supreme Court Gift Shop to a review of a law book to Who Owns the Right to Chess Moves and Games. In general, I will write about what I want to and about topics that interest me.

I am not sure how often I will post. It depends on when I have time and when I learn about newsworthy topics to write about.

I hope whoever reads my blog recognizes that this blog is not meant to show top notch legal experience. It is meant to be personal, educational, but the fact remains that I am no professional (yet). I am just having fun!

A note on the title of the blog, Living LAwfully: it's meant to be a bit of a joke, like "Living Awfully," yet also remaining "Living Lawfully." I say awfully because as you may be aware, sometimes studying the law can just be quite a tough experience. I use my humor lightly, though, as of course I enjoy it a lot!

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